

I realize that I'm a very introspective person. I'm always wondering why I do something or why something is happening to me. Which isn't being introspective, but whatever. Even for this post, I was going to write about why I never post anything on the internet. And through the process of typing all of my thoughts, I would have eventually gotten to a conclusion, but I doubt that that would be easy to read or understandable by the end. And I realize that I would have had to look really far into my self, which is not a thing that I mind, but I would rather that not be on the internet.

Because contrary to Amir's beliefs, the internet is not a place to keep secrets nor is it a place to spill your entire life story. And even though I find it hard to tell people my true feelings, I do think it's better for others to learn about you face-to-face, not face-to-screen. It's just not personal and it doesn't feel right somehow: it feels like cheating.

So even though I think about deep things when I'm alone and I blog when I'm alone doesn't mean that they should happen at the same time.

But they more than likely will.


I lied.

Fatima, you were right. I did put up my video on here.
And I was wrong, I have more than one post on here.

This is new.

And different.

Up until this point, I had this blog, but I never wrote anything on it. And then Fatima asked me for my blog because she thought I posted my video here. So that got me thinking that I should actually write schtuff on here. But I never really continue things once I start them, so I wouldn't doubt it if this was the only post ever.

Also. I don't like the lack of other people's content on my dashboard.

Until a unknown point in the future,